Emotional Intelligence Exercise, November, 2015

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

Question: If you are planning a Thanksgiving dinner, who would you invite? Why? What activities would you plan for that evening? Why?

Emotional Intelligence Exercise









EI Mental AbilitySocial and emotional sensitivity. 

Brain Map: Right prefrontal cortex. 

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email Welcome@DrBob.com or Welcome@Brainazon.com and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Emotional Intelligence Exercise, September, 2015

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

Question: If you could live the life of anyone who ever lived; a historical, political or entertainment figure.

Who would it be? Why?

mental fitness

EI Mental Ability: Ambitions and self-identifications.

BrainMap: Right prefrontal cortex limbic system.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email Welcome@DrBob.com or Welcome@Brainazon.com and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Emotional Intelligence Exercise, June, 2015

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

Question:  When your youngest child leaves the home and you become an “empty nester”, how does it feel?  What is the best way to cope with this important event?

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EI Mental Abilities: Coping with change.

Brain Map: Anterior Cingulate and Parieto-Insular Cortex.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email Welcome@DrBob.com or Welcome@Brainazon.com and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Emotional Intelligence Exercise, April, 2015

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

Question:  When you’re injured or have a headache, what is the best way to cope with the pain? What are your feelings about taking medications for pain? Are you concerned you will become dependent on pain medication?

mental fitness
EI Mental Abilities: Perceive, appraise and regulate emotions.

Brain Map: Anterior Cingulate and Parieto-Insular Cortex.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email Welcome@DrBob.com or Welcome@Brainazon.com and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Emotional Intelligence Exercise, February, 2015

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

Question:  What were your goals for 2014? Did you accomplish them? If not, please explain?  What are your goals for 2015? Please explain?


EI Mental Abilities: Reflection and forecasting.

Brain Map: Prefrontal lobes and right hemisphere.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email Welcome@DrBob.com or Welcome@Brainazon.com and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Emotional Intelligence Exercise, January, 2015

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

Question:  Assume you are receiving a call on your laptop or iphone.  The person calling wants to use skype or facetime while you talk.

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Would you accept or reject the request?  How would you feel about it? Why? Does it make a difference where you are, what you are doing, who you are with or what time it is?  Why?

EI Mental Abilities: Perception of self.

Brain Map: Temporal lobes and limbic system

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email Welcome@DrBob.com or Welcome@Brainazon.com and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Emotional Intelligence Exercise, December, 2014

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

Question:  On which Holiday are you most happy? Why?

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On which Holiday do you feel the most stress? Why?

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EI Mental Abilities: Awareness of feelings, happiness and stress.

Brain Map: Prefrontal cortex and limbic system.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email Welcome@DrBob.com or Welcome@Brainazon.com and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Emotional Intelligence Exercise, November, 2014

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

Question:  Why is it so difficult to admit mistakes? Some of our mistakes define or change our lives, the lives of those we live with, love, work with or care about.  Some are not so important. But they are still difficult to face, disclose or correct. Why is it so hard to deal with our mistakes?

mental fitness

EI Mental Abilities: Insight, Self Awareness.

Brain Map: Limbic system and Right Prefrontal Cortex

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email Welcome@DrBob.com or Welcome@Brainazon.com and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Emotional Intelligence Exercise, October, 2014.

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

Question:  New Federal and State law allows a person to designate their pet as “an emotional support” pet.  To do so, a prescription by a physician or psychologist is required. With the prescription, the pet may be taken into hotels, malls, office buildings and on airlines.

An emotional support pet is not the same as a service dog such as a dog who assists a person who is physically or visually handicapped. It is not specially trained as many service dogs are trained. Their primary purpose is to provide emotional support.

What do you think of this idea?

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EI Mental Abilities: Empathy and Insight.

Brain Map: Right frontal lobe and Limbic system.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email Welcome@DrBob.com or Welcome@Brainazon.com and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Emotional Intelligence Exercise, September, 2014

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

Across the world, people are outraged at the terrorist group ISIS beheading of innocent journalists.  For most people, the emotion of “outrage” is an order of magnitude beyond “anger”.  What does “outrage” feel like to you?

What do you think and feel the international community should do about it?


EI Mental Abilities: Anger management and Emotional control.

Brain Map: Prefrontal cortex and Limbic system.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email Welcome@DrBob.com or Welcome@Brainazon.com and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.