Brain Exercise [Silver Award] No.32

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers.
Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles.
Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less.  Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

The great physicist Albert Einstein was one of the smartest people who ever lived. One of his best attributes was his sense of humor.

Confronted by the Media, he was once asked, “Do you believe in an almighty God who created the Universe?” Einstein answered emphatically, “Yes.  What I’m trying to do is figure out how he did it!” On another occasion, he wistfully observed, “Gravity is not responsible for young people falling in love.”

What role does humor play in your life? Does it help you get through stressful times?

Mental Ability: Appreciating humor.  Brain Map: The anterior supplemental motor area (SMA) of the brain.

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