Brain Exercise [Gold Award] No.11

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

brain fitness

A Miami Dolphin football player says that there is bullying and verbal abuse on the field and in the locker room.Some people say that being a pro player requires a tough mentality and this is a frivolous complaint.

They say this is one of the reasons “they get paid the big bucks”. Others say pro football requires mental and physical toughness so that bullying in the sport can’t be a serious matter and there is no place in football for a “pansy or sissy.”

Still, other thinks, “abuse is abuse”, “bullying is bullying” and such behaviors can’t be tolerated. What do you think?

Mental Abilities: Judgment, reason and personal experience.

Brain Map: Left frontal cortex, limbic system and amygdala.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email or and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Brain Exercise [Gold Award] No.10

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

How does the weather affect your mood? Sunny, Cloudy, Windy, Raining. How about the temperature? Hot, Cold, Moderate. How about lightness of the 24 hour cycle? Night, Day, Dawn, Dusk.


Mental Abilities: Emotional intelligence and kinesthetic sense.

Brain Map: Limbic system, circadian rhythms.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email or and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Brain Exercise [Gold Award] No.8

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

Question: What happens when you die?

when you die

Mental Abilities: The abstract experience of spirituality and expression of faith. Emotional intelligence.

Brain Map: Right frontal cortex and limbic system.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email or and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Brain Exercise [Silver Award] No.44

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

Every society, modern and primitive, has masks. Usually, the masks represent important events in life such as birth, death, marriage, passage to adulthood, harvest or celebration.

Above are three examples: A medieval doctor’s mask, A spiritual Eskimo raven mask and of course, Spiderman. What do you think of them?


Mental Ability: Visualization and symbolic logic.

Brain Map: Intraparietal solcus and Pre-frontal cortex.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email or and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Brain Exercise [Silver Award] No.40

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

What is the one thing you would like to do in your life that you have not done yet? What’s holding you back?

Imagine that you are going to plan to do it right now. What is involved?

Mental Ability: Self awareness and insight; reflection and planning.

Brain Map: The limbic system and amygdala for insight; The left frontal cortex for successfully planning to do it.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email or and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Brain Exercise [Silver Award] No.37

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

What happens when you die?


mental health improvement

Many think you go to heaven or hell depending on how well you lived. Some think you return to life as a different person or life form. Still others think nothing happens – like a cell that simply stops dividing or reproducing. What do you think?


Mental Ability: Spirituality and forming a personal belief.

Brain Map: Left and right cerebral cortex.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email or and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Brain Exercise [Bronze Award] No.17

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

Name six of the eight planets in our solar system. If you can’t name six, what is the fastest way for you to get the answer?

A Bonus Exercise: Until 2006, Pluto was listed as one of our planets until a group of scientist kicked it off for being too small. How do you feel about that, do you think it was fair?


Exercise Goal: Long term memory plus humor.

Brain Map: Frontal and Temporal lobes.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email or and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Brain Exercise [Silver Award] No.4

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

How do you feel when you are stuck in traffic or in a long line at the airport? How do you deal with those feelings?

brain fitness

Mental Ability: Controlling emotions. Coping with boredom.

Brain Map: Limbic system and prefrontal cortex.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email or and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Brain Exercise [Silver Award] No.3

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

There are 7 basic emotions and universal facial expressions. Can you identify them?

brain fitness

Mental Ability: interpreting facial expressions.

Brain Map: The inferior occipital gyri and superior temporal sulcus and the lateral fusiform gyrus.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email or and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Brain Exercise [Silver Award] No.2

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

The USADA is a non- governmental Anti-Doping Agency that has stripped Lace Armstrong of his Tour de France medals.After 17 years of continuous tests, investigations and hearings, Armstrong declines to participate in more of them.

The Agency says that 1] for several years Armstrong had blood and urine results that were elevated for his norms [not for the norms of other athletes] which “could be” consistent with drug use and 2] that they have lots of witnesses who will testify against him.

brain fitness

Armstrong states that 1] He never used performance enhancing drugs, pre or post cancer. 2] He has never had a positive medical finding that he used performance enhancing drugs and that 2] Many Agency witnesses “cut deals” with the USDA to protect their own sports’ records and that others were disgruntled competitors.He says “the Salem Witch Trials have to end.” He also questions the expertise and fairness of the agency personnel.

You’re the Judge. Should he be stripped of his metals?

Mental Ability: Integrating complex reasoning involving evidence and decision making.

Brain Map: Caudate and posterior cingulate and parahippocampalgyrus.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email or and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.