Brain Exercise [Gold Award] No.11

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

brain fitness

A Miami Dolphin football player says that there is bullying and verbal abuse on the field and in the locker room.Some people say that being a pro player requires a tough mentality and this is a frivolous complaint.

They say this is one of the reasons “they get paid the big bucks”. Others say pro football requires mental and physical toughness so that bullying in the sport can’t be a serious matter and there is no place in football for a “pansy or sissy.”

Still, other thinks, “abuse is abuse”, “bullying is bullying” and such behaviors can’t be tolerated. What do you think?

Mental Abilities: Judgment, reason and personal experience.

Brain Map: Left frontal cortex, limbic system and amygdala.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email or and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Brain Exercise [Gold Award] No.10

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

How does the weather affect your mood? Sunny, Cloudy, Windy, Raining. How about the temperature? Hot, Cold, Moderate. How about lightness of the 24 hour cycle? Night, Day, Dawn, Dusk.


Mental Abilities: Emotional intelligence and kinesthetic sense.

Brain Map: Limbic system, circadian rhythms.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email or and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Brain Exercise [Gold Award] No.8

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

Question: What happens when you die?

when you die

Mental Abilities: The abstract experience of spirituality and expression of faith. Emotional intelligence.

Brain Map: Right frontal cortex and limbic system.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email or and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Brain Exercise [Gold Award] No.7

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

In some situations, there are people who see a crime being committed and watch. In other cases, there are people who try to stop the crime and apprehend the offender.

Why do you think this is so? Are you a bystander or an upstander?




Mental Abilities: Insight and understanding the behavior of groups.

Brain Map: Right frontal cortex and limbic system.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email or and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Brain Exercise [Gold Award] No.6

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

When you go through a cafeteria line, why do you often put more dishes of food on your tray then you want or need to eat for their nutritional value?

mental fitness

Mental Abilities: Logic, planning, reasoning and interpretation of sense modalities.

Brain Map: Hypothalamus, thalamus, and nucleus accumbens; the limbic system.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email or and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Brain Exercise [Gold Award] No.2

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

The US is concerned that Bashar al-Assad of Syria is using chemical weapons against the insurgents in his country. The US and its allies are considering military intervention because of the moral implications of using such weapons.

Should the US and its allies intervene in the situation in light of the use of chemical weapons? What are the ethical and practical implications of the decision?

mental fitness and brain health

If the US intervenes what is likely to happen afterwards?

Mental Ability: Rational thinking, decision making and forecasting. Moral reasoning.

Brain Map: Left frontal lobe.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email or and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Brain Exercise [Silver Award] No.52

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

How easy or difficult is it to:

1. Correctly identify emotions in those you care about?

2. Recognize how your own emotions can change based on events and circumstances in your daily life

3. Change your emotional expression [facial and body posture] to reflect what your feeling

4. Manage your emotions to achieve goals in your relationship with others [for example, to make them happy, optimistic, more sensitive etc.]

Mental Ability: Emotional intelligence.

Brain Map: Prefrontal cortex and limbic system.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email or and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Brain Exercise [Silver Award] No.49

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

We live in a time of heightened awareness of family violence. Family violence includes physical and sexual abuse, but also neglect, emotional and financial abuse. So the definition is broadening.


Do you believe that family violence is increasing, decreasing or staying about the same in our society?

Do you think we should do more to detect and defeat it? If so, how?

Mental Ability: Perception and social judgment.

Brain Map: Right frontal cortex and limbic system.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email or and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Brain Exercise [Silver Award] No.47

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

An increasing problem in our society is domestic violence. To some extent, this is the result of including the topics of emotional abuse, cyber stalking and financial abuse as it effects children, spouses and partners and the elderly.

mental fitness and brain health

Should emotional abuse, cyber stalking and financial abuse be included when considering domestic violence as well as physical and sexual abuse?


Mental Ability: Rational analysis with emotional overtones.

Brain Map: Right frontal cortex and the limbic system.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email or and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Brain Exercise [Silver Award] No.45

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

A case of ethical dilemma, Imagine that – Someone you love is on life support. Their doctors say there is less than a 50- 50 chance of survival and if they survive, the quality of their life would be problematic.

The person you love asks you to help them end their life. They say they don’t want to suffer anymore. What will you do?


Mental Ability: Moral and ethical reasoning of a problem with legal implications.

Brain Map: Neocortex and the firing of mirror neurons.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email or and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.