Brain Exercise [Bronze Award] No.41

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

What do you think?

The wife of a 60 year old man dies unexpectedly. They were married for 35 years. The man continues to live in the house they shared. His children live in another city.

The man thinks it might be nice to have a dog. Instead of going to a breeder, he visits a shelter and looks at rescue dogs. He sees one he likes. The dog licks his hand and seems to like him too. So the man takes the dog home.

Question: The dog is a rescue dog. But who has rescued whom?

Mental Ability:Moral reasoning.

Brain Map:Ventromedial area of the brain and the amygdala.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email or and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Brain Exercise [Bronze Award] No.40

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

You and a stranger find a 100 dollar bill on the street at about the same time. There’s no way to tell who dropped it. You both agree to divide it but can’t decide how. Another person walks by and sees and hears what’s going on. He just happens to be a mediator.

He says, “Here’s what you should do. I’ll hold the bill. One of you makes an offer on how to divide the money. If the other person agrees, it’s done. But if the offer is not accepted, I’ll give the money to charity. Everyone agrees.

The stranger says to you, “I offer you $10 and I’ll keep the rest.”

Will you accept the offer? Why?

Mental Ability:Logical reasoning and controlling emotions.

Brain Map:Right prefrontal cortex and the amygdala.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email or and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Brain Exercise [Bronze Award] No.39

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

What Do You Think?

The flight attendant explains over the address system that “in case of emergency, secure your oxygen mask before assisting a child with theirs.” A six year old boy on a flight with his mother asks “why”? What should the mother say?

Is the flight attendant’s instruction to take care of adults first applicable to other aspects of a parent’s life?

Mental Ability:Reasoning and communication.

Brain Map:Frontal lobes, auditory cortex Wernicke’s and Broca’s area.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email or and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Brain Exercise [Bronze Award] No.38

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

Apply the moral of this fairy tale to life in general.


Alice in Wonderland and the Cat come to a fork in the road.

Alice says “I don’t know which way to go.”

The Cat asks, “Where do you want to end up?”

Alice says, “I don’t know.”

The Cat says, “Then, does it really matter?

Mental Ability:Abstract thinking and reasoning.

Brain Map:Prefrontal cortex and basil ganglia.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email or and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Brain Exercise [Bronze Award] No.37

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

What are the missing words or phrases of the following proverbs?

…………………………nothing gained.

Where there is a will ..………….

………………..……….spoil the child.

………………………….saves nine.

Absence makes…………………………

…………..….must comes to an end.

Too many …….. Spoil the broth.

Mental Ability:Verbal sequencing. Medium to long term memory.

Brain Map:Parietal cortex and left cingulate gyrus.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email or and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Brain Exercise [Bronze Award] No.36

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

Look at the figure below. One of the pilings of the square appears to be in the front of and in back of the frame at the same time. How can this be?


Mental Ability: Visual perception of congruence.

Brain Map: Frontal and parietal regions of the right hemisphere.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email or and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Brain Exercise [Bronze Award] No.35

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

You have decided to pray. Close your eyes and offer a prayer.

Mental Ability:Experiencing a spiritual moment.

Brain Map:Activity in the orientation association area (OAA) of the brain. This part of the brain is responsible for enabling us to distinguish between ourselves, the outside world and cosmos.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email or and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Brain Exercise [Bronze Award] No.34

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

Consider the following analogies:

In what way are fire and water alike?

In what way is a question and answer alike?

In what way are reading and learning alike?

Answer as quickly as you can.

Mental Ability: Critical thinking and brain speed.

Brain Map: Prefrontal cortex and limbic system.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email or and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Brain Exercise [Bronze Award] No.33

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

Congratulations. You’ve just won the MEGA MILLION LOTTERY. Will you let the media know you’re the big winner or will you keep your identity private? What will you do with the money? How will it change your life or will it?

Mental Ability: Focus, concentration, planning and controlling emotions.

Brain Map: Left frontal parietal area of the brain. Amygdala activation and stimulation of the orbitofrontal cortex.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email or and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.

Brain Exercise [Bronze Award] No.32

Each exercise uses a specific mental ability you have and activates an important part of your brain. There are no “right or wrong” answers. Maintain and enhance your cognitive abilities based on neuroscience principles. Each exercise takes 5 minutes or less. Write down your answers or just keep them in mind. Enjoy.

The Survival Game

Imagine that you are preparing to survive a nuclear catastrophe. You may choose five things to ensure your life. Under the this scenario, what 5 things will you choose? Why? What 5 things will members of your family or friends choose?

Mental Ability: Careful planning and common sense.

Brain Map: Action of neurotransmitters monoamines at the synaptic cleft. Lower brain stem survival instincts.

Dr. Bob’s Mental Fitness Exercises now has more than 11,000 subscribers. Tell a friend or relative or enroll them. Simply email or and say “Please enroll and give your preferred Email address”. To opt out of the weekly mental exercise, just click on “Reply” and put “No Thanks” in the subject line.