Brain Brightening is an innovative way to help people sharpen their mental abilities and stay mentally fit. The idea is similar to engaging a trainer to help you be physically fit. The slogan often heard at a fitness center applies to the brain as well as the body- "use it or lose it."

This innovative program is designed and offered by clinical psychologist and cognitive coach, Dr. Robert Gordon. He received special training in cognitive science from the Fehmi Neurofeedback Institue in Princeton and in brain imaging from the fmri Institute in San Diego and the Martinos Institute at the Harvard Medical School.

Why Should I Consider Brain Brightening?

The human brain grows and develops until a person reaches their mid 20s. Afterwards, the structure of the brain does not grow but, with proper coaching and training, it can be used in better, more efficient and productive ways. Without exercise, the function of the brain enters a period of gradual decline. Hardly noticeable at first, the decline is more noticeable to people in their 50s, 60s and 70s and then becomes more acute in old age.

The quality of a person's work relationships and recreation is affected by their ability to stay mentally sharp. The areas of mental functioning which are most important are memory, language, computation, visualization and thinking. A fit brain can do many valuable things- it can organize information, make plans, evaluate and judge outcomes and solve problems.

What is the Gordon Program?

Our Brain Brightening Program involves two interesting components for Clients. We start by assessing your mental fitness. This involves an interview and aptitude inventory. Then we design a fitness regimen to help you meet your goals for maintaining and improving mental fitness.

The program is a customized plan of "neurobic" exercises, "neurofeedback" sessions, along with enjoyable and relaxing "entrainment" work outs which may be done at home. "Neurobic" exercises are stimulating mental activities. "Neurofeedback" sessions involves teaching you how to control your brain waves for positive results through the use of EEG. "Entrainment" involves using special music and visual effects to help you be alert and focused when you want to be.

The Gordon Brain Brightening Program is offered in a series of interesting, enjoyable and convenient sessions in Dallas and Houston. An online program is also available.

To schedule an appointment or for more information contact:

Dallas Tel: 972 620 0230
Houston Tel: 713 659 6600
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